Murray Fraser (Prof. of Architecture and Global Culture, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College of London) will be in the Faculty of Architecture the 20 juin 2017 to present a talk, intituled “Design Research in Architecture“
This talk will propose that what is now widely known as ‘design research’ constitutes the key change in architectural thinking in recent years, offering a far richer and more inclusive approach to practice and research in the field. Based upon the author’s edited book on Design Research in Architecture: An Overview (Ashgate, 2013), it will cover the historical reasons for the resistance of architects to regarding their work as research, and why such resistance needs to be overcome. Some examples of architectural design research from Britain and elsewhere will be discussed, along with potential future avenues to follow.
La conférence aura lieu dans le local Local CO.2.2 (177), 2ème étage, Faculté d’Architecture, Place Flagey, 19 et se déroulera en anglais.