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APPEL / CALL: Séminaire de recherche / Research seminar (8 Feb 2019)

Étudiants de master, doctorants, chercheurs:
profitez de cette occasion unique pour présenter vos projets de mémoire ou de recherche en cours à des enseignants-chercheurs internationallement reconnus en:

  • histoire & théorie de l’architecture / de l’urbanisme / de l’art
  • valorisation du patrimoine bâti.
  • urban planning
  • landscape studies
  • architectural design
  • architectural / urbanism / art history & theory
  • heritage studies.

Master students, PhD candidates and researchers are invited to discuss their ongoing thesis or research project with international scholars in:

Submissions: 1 page/500 words abstract to by Feb 3rd 2019
Envoyez vos propositions (1 page / 500 mots) à avant le 3 février 2019

Les candidats seront informés le 4 février
Applicants will be informed on Feb 4th 2019

Discussants / discutants:

Seminar “Engaging Communities in Research”

2019-01-15: invitation to Research Seminar at the Faculty of Architecture – ULB

We are pleased to invite you to the seminar “Engaging Communities in Research. Methodologies for Understanding Today Complex Urban Environments”, which will be held on Tuesday the 15th of January 2019 from 9:00 to 15:00 at the Auditorium V. Bourgeois, ULB Faculté d’Architecture La Cambre Horta, Flagey 19.

The seminar is organized within the framework of the research project “TYCO-WSS-Typologies of Institutionalised Co-production of Water and Sanitation Services in the Urban South”, promoted by Universitè libre de Bruxelles-Architecture La Cambre-Horta and the Université de Liège

It will explore a variety of participatory approaches addressing the interaction between communities and the environment they live in. The objective is to open up a wider reflection regarding the use of participatory methodologies for scientific research. Different methods will be explored, coming from pedagogy and anthropology, artistic disciplines, participatory mapping, which are the main domains of the experts invited to the seminar.

The seminar will be in English and it is open to the public. For logistical reasons, we would ask to everyone interested to participate, to please send an e-mail to Giuseppe Faldi <> and Federica Natalia Rosati <> by Thursday the 10th of January 2019.

Researchers and research supervisors: Luisa Moretto (ULB), Jacques Teller (ULg), Giuseppe Faldi (ULB), Federica Natalia Rosati (ULB/ULg)


The study centre HABITER in collaboration with the Thematic Graduate College “Architecture, Urbanism, and Architectural and Urban Engineering”, invites you to assist to the PhD seminar that will take place next Thursday 6 September 2018 (4pm to 6pm)

Three PhD candidates enrolled in the FNRS Graduate College in the “art of construction and town planning” will present the state of advancement of their work to our special guest interlocutor Professor Murray Fraser, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College of London and to Professors Victor Brunfaut and Axel Fisher from The Faculty of Architecture La Cambre – Horta.

The invited speakers are:

– Federica Natalia Rosati (Université libre de Bruxelles, University of Liége): Investigating geographies of co-production of water and sanitation services in Hanoi, Vietnam

– Julien Rippinger (Université libre de Bruxelles): Descriptive Geometry and Computer Graphics: Towards the Formulation of an Algorithmic Thinking of Graphic Action

– Xavier Van Rooyen (University of Liége): Closed Form versus Open Form: A Possible Reading of Contemporary Architecture

A description of the three presentation can be found here

The seminar will be held in English, and it is free and open to the public.

Séminaire de Master du projet MODSCAPES à Porto

Deux chercheurs du Centre de recherches HABITER, Axel Fisher et Michele Tenzon, participeront la semaine prochaine au deuxième évènement du projet de recherche européen MODSCAPES.

Durant ces trois jours, l’équipe de recherche se penchera sur les protocoles de travail du projet, et partira en excursion pour visiter le village agricole moderniste de Baolhosa et son paysages rural d’exception près de Vascões (Paredes de Coura).

Le jeudi 25 mai, de 17h à 20h, se tiendra également un séminaire de master, durant lequel le projet accueillera Ana Tostões (présidente de Docomomo International), Simon Bell (président d’ECLAS, le Conseil des écoles européennes d’architecture du paysage) et Dirk Gotzmann (directeur de Civilscape). Deux autres chercheurs MODSCAPES y tiendront également chacun une conférence (Cristina Pallini, Politecnico di Milano ; Friedrich Kuhlmann, Estonian University of Life Sciences).